Friday, April 4, 2014

O send out your light and your truth; let them lead me; let them bring me to your holy hill and to your dwelling. (Psalm 43:3)

Today's reflection is by Thea Keith-Lucas,
Episcopal Chaplain at MIT

The pool is one of my holy places. As I travel through the water, my muscles take over and my mind quiets. Anxieties slide away and decisions seem clearer.

The other day I shared a lane with a young man who could zip right by me. He stopped and called to me, "Do you know you don't have to turn your head that much to breathe? It's like you're trying to look all the way behind you."

Who asked him? This is my quiet time, to do my own thing in peace. I managed a grudging thanks and then kept swimming.

The really annoying part was that he was right. When I first tried turning my head less, I ended up with water in my mouth. But after I while I got it, and my stroke felt stronger.

My relationship with God often feels like my own private place. When someone pushes me to grow in my faith, my first impulse is to push back - even if I know they only say it out of love, and especially if I know they are right.

Lord, help me to listen for your truth in the voices of the people you have sent to guide me. Let them lead me; let them bring me to your holy hill and to your dwelling.

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